About Us

Enquiries and quotes please contact: tim@aerialshoots.uk

What We Do

We provide quality aerial video and photographic material to multiple different industries from estate agents and land owners to the film industry and the farming community.

We are also one of a few filming companies that have permission from the CAA to fly first person view (FPV) with performance drones; we can get you that action shot that no other company can, be it a fly by of a speed boat or a close up of your car speeding around a circuit or even that adrenaline packed downhill bike or ski slope, our performance drones can get you that amazing shot.

We always aim to discuss each job with safety and the clients needs at the forefront.

Where We Are

Aerial Shoots is based the East Anglia on the Norfolk and Suffolk boarder.

We offer our services throughout the UK.

Our Aim and Vision

Our aim is to provide aerial services for as many different markets and customers as require aerial services.

Our vision is to:

  • provide safe aerial services
  • focus on first class customer service
  • deliver professional quality media

Safety Policy

We are fully approved by the Civil Aviation Authority (Permission number UAS7599) and covered by an insurance policy that suits the flight, up to £10 million of cover. Anyone providing aerial/drone services must have a PfCO, please see our section on PfCO & The Law.

Any flight has to conform to the following criteria as required by our CAA approval, we can not fly:

  • above 400 feet/122 meters above the ground.
  • above or within 150 meters of a crowd of more than 1000 people.
  • within 50 meters of people who haven't been asked.
  • within 50 meter of a structure unless permission has been granted by the owner.

We endeavour to recce a site prior to the day of the flight in order to assess the safety and the viability of flight. This will normally be done remotely using online maps, street view, etc. but where there is any doubt a site visit will be required, we will let you know well in advance should we feel this is required.

Postponement, Cancellations and Weather

It is down to the pilot on the day of your shoot whether the fight should go ahead. If they feel that the site is unsafe to fly for whatever reason then you will be advise in as much time as possible.

Weather is a big factor in our ability to fly; strong winds and rain mean that we simply won't be able to complete our mission.

If we cancel due to the weather we will simply rebook your job for another day.

If the job can't be completed due to circumstances that the customer has not made us aware the customer will be charged the total cost.

If the customers' specification significantly changes then the customer will be charged for the additional time to complete the job as long as it is still safe to continue.